Workshop "PhiloWeb 2011"
The workshop PhiloWeb 2011: The Second International Symposium on the Web and Philosophy will take place under the umbrella of PT-AI 2011 on Wednesday Oct. 5th 10-17:00 (Bissell Library, Ground Floor, L1).
Organisation: Harry Halpin, Alexandre Monnin. (Workshop participants must register both with PT-AI 2011 and with the organisers.)
Invited Speakers Symposium
After the main conference, there is a small symposium for invited speakers with the following program:
Tuesday 17:30-19:30
(Afterwards directly to dinner at 'Full tou Meze', Katouni 3, Ladadika, Thessaloniki [map & photos].)
Wednesday 10-13:00
(Coffee before, Lunch afterwards. On Wednesday, the transfer bus leaves 9:15 at the known stops. See main program.)
ACT, New Building, Conference Room (2nd floor)
"What is the agenda for the philosophy and theory of AI now?" In the introductory paragraph to the conference the organiser wrote, somewhat optimistically: "The theory and philosophy of artificial intelligence has come to a crucial point where the agenda for the forthcoming years is in the air - this conference will try to set that agenda and to gather many of the key players." So, what is the agenda now? - The original central issue was the theoretical evaluation of the thesis that intelligent cognition in humans and machines is the result of computation over representations (and that AI and Cognitive Science are thus two sides of the same coin). But now?
"Central issues for the philosophy and theory of AI today."
Computation, representation, embodiment, frame-problem, ethics, consciousness, etc. etc. - depending on our decisions on the TUESDAY. This might include presentations from present projects, as some have suggested.