Ethical problems of robotics – actual and perceived
Workshop at the European Robotics Forum 2015
12.03.2015, 16:15-17:45
Room 2, Aula der Wissenschaften, Wollzeile 27a, 1010 Vienna

Organisation: Prof. Vincent C. Müller, Anatolia College/ACT
Robotics is moving out of the yellow cages and into mainstream industry and public perception, but robotics has an image problem: It is seen as threat to humans – to safety, to jobs, to a fair and just society. The workshop allows roboticists to better understand the perceived impact of robotics on society – and the importance of this perception for robotics funding and market uptake. The euRobotics topics group on "Ethical, legal and societal issues” supports this workshop.
Christope Leroux - CEA, Paris. Outgoing Chair, topics group ‘ethical, legal and societal issues’
“Remarks on the ELS topics group"
Vincent C. Müller - Anatolia College/ACT. Topics group ‘ethical, legal and societal issues’
Anne Bajart - Unit ‘Robotics’, DG CONNECT
Bjoern Juretzki - Unit ‘Robotics’, DG CONNECT
Raja Chatila - Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (ISIR) Paris, France & CERNA-Allistene
Alan Winfield - UWE Bristol, UK
For details on registration, travel, etc. see the general site of the European Robotics Forum 2015: