Total submissions = 170
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Response rates
1 | PT-AI | 49% | 43 out of 88 |
2 | AGI | 65% | 72 out of 111 |
3 | EETN | 10% | 26 out of 250 |
4 | TOP100 | 29% | 29 out of 100 |
| Total | 31% | 170 out of 549 |
Research approaches
Cognitive science | 47,9% |
Integrated cognitive architectures | 42,0% |
Algorithms revealed by computational neuroscience | 42,0% |
Artificial neural networks | 39,6% |
Faster computing hardware | 37,3% |
Large-scale datasets | 35,5% |
Embodied systems | 34,9% |
Other method(s) currently completely unknown | 32,5% |
Whole brain emulation | 29,0% |
Evolutionary algorithms or systems | 29,0% |
Other method(s) currently known to at least one investigator | 23,7% |
Logic-based systems | 21,3% |
Algorithmic complexity theory | 20,7% |
No method will ever contribute to this aim | 17,8% |
Swarm intelligence | 13,6% |
Robotics | 4,1% |
Bayesian nets | 2,6% |

Results sorted by groups of respondents
PT-AI | Median | Mean | St. Dev. |
10% | 2023 | 2043 | 81 |
50% | 2048 | 2092 | 166 |
90% | 2080 | 2247 | 515 |
AGI | Median | Mean | St. Dev. |
10% | 2022 | 2033 | 60 |
50% | 2040 | 2073 | 144 |
90% | 2065 | 2130 | 202 |
EETN | Median | Mean | St. Dev. |
10% | 2020 | 2033 | 29 |
50% | 2050 | 2097 | 200 |
90% | 2093 | 2292 | 675 |
TOP100 | Median | Mean | St. Dev. |
10% | 2024 | 2034 | 33 |
50% | 2050 | 2072 | 110 |
90%: | 2070 | 2168 | 342 |
ALL | Median | Mean | St. Dev. |
10%: | 2022 | 2036 | 59 |
50%: | 2040 | 2081 | 153 |
90%: | 2075 | 2183 | 396 |
Results sorted by percentage steps
10% | Median | Mean | St. Dev. |
PT-AI | 2023 | 2043 | 81 |
AGI | 2022 | 2033 | 60 |
EETN | 2020 | 2033 | 29 |
TOP100 | 2024 | 2034 | 33 |
ALL | 2022 | 2036 | 59 |
50% | Median | Mean | St. Dev. |
PT-AI | 2048 | 2092 | 166 |
AGI | 2040 | 2073 | 144 |
EETN | 2050 | 2097 | 200 |
TOP100 | 2050 | 2072 | 110 |
ALL | 2040 | 2081 | 153 |
90% | Median | Mean | St. Dev. |
PT-AI | 2080 | 2247 | 515 |
AGI | 2065 | 2130 | 202 |
EETN | 2093 | 2292 | 675 |
TOP100 | 2070 | 2168 | 342 |
ALL | 2075 | 2183 | 396 |
Clicks of the ‘never’ box. These answers did not enter in to the averages above.
Never | no. | % |
10% | 2 | 1,2 |
50% | 7 | 4,1 |
90% | 28 | 16,5 |

From HLMI to superintelligence
| Median | Mean | St. Dev. |
Within 2 years | 10% | 19% | 24 |
Within 30 years | 75% | 62% | 35 |
Median estimates on probability of super intelligence given HLMI in different groups of respondents:
| 2 years | 30 years |
AGI | 15% | 90% |
EETN | 5% | 55% |
TOP100 | 5% | 50% |
PT-AI | 10% | 60% |

The impact of superintelligence

In terms of numbers:
Extremely good | 26% |
On balance good | 30% |
More or less neutral | 20% |
On balance bad | 15% |
Extremely bad (existential catastrophe) | 19% |

Respondents Statistics
1. Concerning the above questions, how would you describe your own expertise? (0 = none, 9 = expert): Mean 5,85.
2. Concerning technical work in artificial intelligence, how would you describe your own expertise? (0 = none, 9 = expert): Mean 6,26.
3. What is your main home academic discipline? |
Biology/Physiology/Neurosciences | 3 |
Computer Science | 107 |
Engineering (non CS) | 6 |
Mathematics/Physics | 10 |
Philosophy | 20 |
Psychology/Cognitive Science | 14 |
Other academic discipline | 9 |
None | 1 |