
PhAI 2023 Publication - Submission Instructions

The proceedings are fortcoming as: Müller, V. C., Dewey, A. R., Dung, L., & Löhr, G. (Eds.). (forthcoming). Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art. Synthese Library, Berlin: SpringerNature. 


  • 10.06.24: Submission full paper, version I
  • 04.07.24: All reviews ready
  • 01.08.24: Submission full paper, final version
  • 15.08.24: Submission to publisher


  • Submission is either in Word .docx or LaTeX .text format. You can prepare papers in any software. (We also need a pdf in the end.)
  • Formatting is done by Springer, but we must submit "clean" files where all paragraphs have the correct "style". Thus there is no particular format you need to use (e.g. fonts or paragraph), but you must use "styles" for marking title, abstract, author, headings, quotation, footnotes [preferably avoid these], references. Do not format paragraphs "by hand" with bold or spaces or the like, and do not number headings by hand. Never use: two consecutive returns, two consecutive spaces, space before punctuation mark (other than dash).
  • Use "APA 7th" citation style (author-date in text)
  • The beginning of your paper must have this basic structure:
    • Title [style: Title]
    • Author names + affiliations (one line per person)  [style: Author]
    • "Abstract" and your abstract of 120-200 words  [style: Abstract]
    • Heading 1 ...  [style: Heading 1]
    • [your text]  [style: Normal]
  • Guidelines by Springer Publishers: esp. the "key style points".
  • You can see a correct sample here (though you don't need a running header)


  • Short papers (presented as posters): Max 6000 words total (including references)
  • Long papers (presented orally): Max 8000 words total (including references)

Submission site

  • We will review the papers between us, so each of us is both author and reviewer (two different "roles" in Easychair). Reviews are not anonymous and visible to all reviewers/authors. Comments and conversations are encouraged.

Conference site


Ask Aliya R. Dewey or Leonard Dung.

Provisonal list of papers